November 5, 1917
Dear old Steve, Well you certainly did me a great old going over in your letter of October 5th and I deserve everything. You probably...
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October 30, 1917
Somewhere in Flanders Dear Mother and Father, Am just rolling in for the night. Have got a nice warm coke fire going in a brazier and...
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October 7, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Received your Labour Day letter the other day and your Sept. 10th letter came in with the rations tonight. I have...
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August 25, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Well this is the third day of my leave. Am waiting in London for a couple of days in order to get some badly needed...
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July 8, 1917
Dear Jack, Received your letter OK and sure am glad to hear from you. I received the tobacco and pipes all right also cigarettes and...
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July 3, 1917
Dear Mother and Father, Received a whole flock of letters today. A big Canadian mail is in so everybody is happy. It is about the 1st...
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June 11, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Glad to hear that you are all feeling well and fit. Received your letters of April 29th and May 6th also the big...
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May 23, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Well tomorrow is the 24th and we can have a real celebration if we want to start something but the last holiday was...
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May 18, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Well today is another bright sun shiny day. Just had an inspection and the men all turned out fine after a pretty...
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May 12, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, This is about the fourth letter I have started to write this week but have not been able to post. Received your...
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