April 20, 1917
Dear Mar, Well old girl just received your letter of Feb. 14. Have just written Mother and Father so it will have the most of the news if...
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January 2, 1917
Dear Mother and Father, Just a few lines to let you know that I am in the best of health. Hope you are receiving my letters regularly....
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December 25, 1916
Dear Mother & Father, Well today is Christmas and it is fine and cold with not a terrible lot of mud, although last night rain simply...
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December 19, 1916
France Dear Mother & Father, Well it is getting very near Christmas and the boxes are beginning to come in. This last week I received...
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November 30, 1916
France Dear Mother & Father, Received your letter of the 5th last evening and am sorry you are not receiving my letters regularly. The...
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November 12, 1916 (To Parents)
France Dear Mother and Father, This is Monday noon. I have just finished my dinner and am going to have all the afternoon to myself....
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November 12, 1916 (To Grandma)
France Dear Grandma, I am sending you a couple of French postcards and a letter just to let you know, though I haven’t written, that I am...
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November 8, 1916
Dear Mother & Father, You will probably be thinking that I have been neglecting writing but if I haven’t been writing I have always been...
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October 30, 1916
My address if you have not already got it France 18th Battalion B.E.F. 4th Brigade II Division â„… Army Post Office London Dear Mother &...
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October 21, 1916
France Dear Mother and Father, Well you will probably know by this time that I am into the big game. We are at present in billets and are...
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