October 30, 1917
Somewhere in Flanders Dear Mother and Father, Am just rolling in for the night. Have got a nice warm coke fire going in a brazier and...
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October 7, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Received your Labour Day letter the other day and your Sept. 10th letter came in with the rations tonight. I have...
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September 18, 1917
Dearest Mother & Father mine, I know you will be thinking me very ungrateful in not writing more than I do. I try and write a couple of...
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August 25, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Well this is the third day of my leave. Am waiting in London for a couple of days in order to get some badly needed...
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April 20, 1917
Dear Mar, Well old girl just received your letter of Feb. 14. Have just written Mother and Father so it will have the most of the news if...
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